Share post receive hook
I had shared a precommit here which help you check your code before your commit. If you want to deploy it on test machine even production machine, you may need this.
Dice Con 2016一日游
上周末去了一天今年的Dice Con,总体来说感觉更多面向纯新手和桌游老手或桌游店老板, 对于我这种玩过一些桌游但不精通的人来说,纯粹是凑个热闹,开阔下见识。
因为记错了时间,原打算赶早去就没赶上,中午吃完饭才到场馆,进去后,发现根本没位置。 场馆分了几部分,刚进去一排架子是展示 & 售卖桌游的,旁边是几排桌子,用于体验桌上的桌游, 每桌都是满满的人。
I spend some day to learn a powerful tool that is called parallel. It can help you split several tasks into multiple groups to run them parallel. Get into the car!
The Last Of Us
上周通了The Last Of Us,我的心情久久不能平静,我想会说这绝对是神作的。
这周看完了东野圭吾的《解忧杂货铺》,果然如介绍所说五个看似不相关的故事, 实际背后都通过解忧杂货铺联系在了一起。